I Noted Some Odd Things

The install is very slow and uninformative. Perhaps twice as long and difficult as the typical linux install.

It takes so long to write files (I wonder if it can't run dma or high-speed atapi from the install kernel...?) that it loops through the stupid cryptospeak ads some poor slob had to compose for the installer. One "feature" is called "active directories," which is a pretty scary name. They also talk about the proven reliability of w2k server as a recommendation. Odd, but ballsy.

The screen kept blanking off during the install, which is a little freaky. Normally, if I think it's a system timeout of some sort, I hit the shift key to wake things back up. But it turns out repeated use of the shift key turns on "sticky keys" (or rather brings up a dialog asking if you want to) which is totally retarded.

The system allows installation to FAT file system, which seems like a bad idea. But fun since I can fish around in it with Linux, even rearrange stuff. If I ever do it. So far, all installs were NTFS.

It does not allow for setting system time to GMT, so it's basically going to be a bad neighbor. Windows: Still stupid after all these years.

The last ten minutes or so of the "install" seem to involve "saving settings." This is interesting, in that I've probably given it 30 or 40 bytes (well, 60-80 if they're using 16-bit characters) of info so far.

If I don't manually reformat the drive before reinstalling, the "saving settings" process takes even longer. Weird.



Copyright 2003 by David Mark North