Networking From Mars: The DHCP server!

First problem: It could not spot a Linksys NIC on the first pass (even Debian does this right). Built by Lite-On, it's a common tulip-chip model. Replaced it with a 3c905. They work everywhere.

The first thing I hit was a very confusing screen that asks about setting up the network. Your choices are a windows workgroup (no thanks) and a domain (which probably has to be on the local net. Beats me about that one; the install seemed to be hang as I chose it assuming I could indicate, say, a domain I own -- how naive. This is Microsoft!)

Turns out if you want to set up an ethernet card, the most obvious way is to set up the local networking. Weird in that there's no way I would let it on my local net, so I'm assigning it an internet IP. Maybe later I can figure out how to call that a WAN connection using their menus.

Amazingly, they assume a server will hook into the net using dhcp. This is so idiotic it's hardly worth commenting on.

Later never came, by the way. If there's some other way to get the ethernet card to see the net, I don't know what it is.



Copyright 2003 by David Mark North